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 How To Dye RC Car Rims
Tired of those boring colors dying your nylon rims is an effective yet cheap way to make your car stand out from the traffic.

Supplies needed:
- White nylon rims
- Waxed dental floss(mint flavor optional)
- Big pot
- Stirring utensil
- Rit dye(available at most grocery stores)

Take your dental floss and pull off a long piece. String the floss through the rims, and tie the two ends together leaving enough slack to hold on to while the rims are cooking.

Now fill the pot with water, not too full, about 3/4 full. Set the stove to medium high and pour in the RIT dye. Stir slowly and consistently.

Keep stirring and slowly increasing heat, until the rims are the desired color which will usually take about 20 to 45 minutes.

Remove rims and rinse in hot water, then warm water, then cold water.

Finally, let the rims air dry...

Custom dyed rims from scratch, eat your heart out Martha Stewart
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